Sunday, October 11, 2009

State Road Race Championships

Exclamation Point (eks'kle ma'shen point) mark (!) used to show surprise or strong emotion.
What better way to end the 2009 road season than with a finish that required numerous !!!!!
After Saturday night's awards party in which Team Colavita walked out with BOXES of trophies and jerseys, the only way to top it would be another State Championship in Sunday's category day races. Bradley Gordon gave us the perfect ending by out-sprinting his team mate, Taylor Warren by .o1 second (or about an inch), to win the Cat 4 road race. Wow! Not just one but TWO Colavita riders on the podium.
This year has been full of great races, lots of fun and (I hope) some learning. I would like to thank all the juniors for training hard, racing hard and behaving like true sportsmen. You are all a credit to cycling. I would also like to thank all the parents who tirelessly drive, feed, cheer and unwaveringly support the juniors. It will reap benefits many years down the road with young adults they can truly be proud of.
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did this season and I can't wait until next year!

Junior 10-12
Anselm Teather 1st
Zoe Mullins 4th
James Mertens 5th

Junior 13-14
Casey Braga 2nd
Christian Teather 4th
Michelle Blake 5th

Junior 15-16
Jos Chalmers 6th
Nick Blanchard 9th

Junior 17-18
Taylor Warren 8th
Brandon Forman 9th

Category 3
Jos Chalmers 40th

Category 4
Bradley Gordon 1st
Taylor Warren 2nd
Casey Braga 39th
Ian McGauvran 42nd
Brandon Forman 55th

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