Saturday, March 5, 2011

Webster Roubaix Report and Results

I’d love to say that the Webster Roubaix dust does wonders for your complexion, but I’d be lying. Every year I come home with a grimy face, dirty hair (that I washed the day) before and a gray kit that started off the day white. But I also come home with the same thought in my head; I can’t wait until next year.
Even though the womens numbers were down from last year, the racing was still just as heated, especially with us being combined in the Masters +35 and +55 categories. I can’t speak for the womens 1-3 this weekend but I know the +55 gave me a run for my money during the 34 mile “road” race. Our group stayed together for most of the first lap but you could almost hear the bubble pop when we finally hit the dirt. Dave Viney got on the front just like he did last year and just like last year, I found myself hammering my brains out just to stay on the wheel in front of me. Unfortunately old age and wisdom beat youth and strength this time, and I got shelled off the back just before I crossed the line with three to go. It was encouraging to be the last woman to come out of the masters group because I knew I still had a chance at taking the win, but I had no idea how close behind me the competition was. Pretty soon a group of five masters caught me and some of us struggled to get a pace line together. There weren’t any women in that group but I could see some riders over my shoulder who were too close for comfort. I could almost hear the “Jaws” theme song in my head as I took another hard pull and then looked over my shoulder to check for progress; not close enough to make contact yet I wasn’t in the clear. But Webster Roubaix’s secret weapon struck again on the second lap, and this time it helped me leave that omniscient presence in the dust. By the time we were off the dirt road, the group was out of sight and I didn’t see any women for the rest of the race, allowing me to “solo” for the win in 3/4. Lisa Gallagher (Infinity Bike Shop) came through a few minutes later to take second after breaking away from Alexandra Danforth (unattached), who came in to for third.
I never know what kind of twist the Webster Roubaix dust will give to each race but in my opinion, it’s one of the best courses all year because of the immense challenge it poses to every racer. It is a race of power on the dirt, as well as technique in positions so the ones who have a bit of both shine on this course.
Just as long as I remember for next year: don’t wash my hair Friday night, there’s no point. Webster Roubaix will leave its mark on you no matter what.

Women 3/4
Michelle Blake 1st
Zoe Mullins 4th
Autumn Holt 6th

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