Monday, September 6, 2010

Return to Port Orange Race Report

by Taylor Warren
Return to Port Orange was an exceptionally good weekend of racing for me. The first day barely satisfied, with a second place but what stood out was the day that followed. After the race on Saturday, I distinctly remember telling Ian how cool it would be to win in a solo break. As I kept that vision vivid in my mind, I went into Sunday’s crit determined and eager to step on the top step of the podium. The crit started out fast but wasn’t too difficult, I attacked some early on but nothing solid. I remember thinking that the race was almost over and I still hadn’t put in a good move yet. Then it happened, a fellow racer attacked and I followed, only when we got caught, he stopped and I charged on. This was the moment of truth; could I hang on to my dwindling lead? I dug deep for the longest 10 laps of my life, once I hit bell lap, I knew it was all over! A smile exploded across my face and I outstretched my arms in victory. My dream race finish had become a reality.

 Photos By Dean Warren and Michelle Blake

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