Carlos Soler, Jos Chalmers and Casey Braga with huge smiles after finishing the amateur race Saturday. Jos broke away from the field solo while Carlos, Colavita's team coach, blocked for him. Casey also worked extremely hard and came in 2nd in the field sprint, earning him 4th place overall.
"I spy with my little eye, a Colavita racer" The junior race on Sunday was dominated by Team Colavita, and in this photo, being led by Taylor Warren who went on later to win Men Category 3.
Zoe Mullins and Briana Luthman both competed in the Women 3/4 category on Sunday, taking their first leaps in womens racing.
Christian Teather, Casey Braga, Brandon Forman and Dean Warren all warmed up together for the Men Category 4 race Sunday afternoon.
Stacy Forman and Ginger Warren, two Colavita moms, chat during the races while selling Colavita pasta to support our junior racing team.
Photo Credits to: Dean Warren, Jan Chalmers and Michelle Blake
Nice post! Thanks for the consistant and dedicated work you do in updating the blog.